On The Line highlights one of the longest-running voluntary school desegregation programs in the country, its’ historical impact on the city of Boston and those personally involved in the program. Founded in 1966, METCO stands for the Metropolitan Council for Education, Incorporated.
OTL recaps the experiences of past and current participants while assessing the benefits and hardships of crossing racial and class lines on their way to school. Also examining the historical and social conditions that helped shape the lives of a select group of METCO & Suburban students when the bus ride ended.
Enough has been documented about the continuous plight of race relations in America - It's about time the best non-fiction story be told, spotlighting the impact of many "Do-Gooders" and their commitment to positive social change in America.

Director, Mike Mascoll - guest speaker at the screening of OTL at CCHS
The Concord Public Schools and Concord-Carlisle Regional School District enjoy a rich partnership with the Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity (METCO) that began in 1967 when 20 students entered Concord-Carlisle High School. Today, the program services 140 students in grades K-12.

“On the Line is an honest and deeply moving exploration of the history, the costs and the benefits of one of our nation's longest-running voluntary school desegregation programs. Informed by the voices of people who lived the experience, this film carries important lessons about how to best break down the constructed barriers between black and white and between urban and suburban families so that everyone can benefit”
- Susan E. Eaton, Professor of Practice & Director
Brandeis University, Sillerman Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy
The Heller School for Social Policy and Management
"On The Line is a fascinating documentary that should become a part of every high school and university's discussion on our country's path to recovering from formalized racial segregation."
- Gulienne Rollins-Rishon, CEO / Founder
HypheNation – Racial Facilitation & Education

New Film
LEV Media Group Produced “CODESWITCHING” - a soon to be completed public television film on course for release via WGBH-PBS through the World Channel or American Public.